
We are on a mission to transform how manufacturing companies work with their suppliers. The end-customer will see the outcome of poor supplier collaboration and that’s why we want to highlight the importanvce on the Supplier Experience in the context of manufacturing ecosystem. We invite all supply chain professionals, leaders and executives to bring their knowledge to the table, and together change the status quo.

About Supplier Experience Magazine

Supplier Experience Magazine (former Friction Free Magazine) was founded in 2018 by a Finland based fast growing technology company Jakamo. The main goal was to bring supply chain experts together to transform supply chain management.

Executives and academic researchers with a strong background in manufacturing and engineering form the foundation of our community. These leaders provide valuable information to help other supply chain professionals make the changes required for supplier experience. Our aim is to build a global, active network of professionals who want to be a part of changing the industry.

The online magazime focuses on topics related to open governance, operations and automation, new technology, excellent interaction and manufacturing ecosystem. You can expect to hear why those topics are important and how it’s possible to develop them in your supply chain.

Dialogue and learning from each other are in the core of our interaction. We want to start conversations with the community members, and create active discussions that help each and every one of us take our expertise to the next level. By uniting our powers, we will make other stakeholders in our business networks understand the importance of changing the status quo of Supply Chain Management.

Join the Community

We need everyone’s input in transforming the industry. If you see yourself as one of the forerunners or spokesperson of modern supply chains or digitalization, please get in touch. We warmly welcome you to the community, and make sure you have the opportunity to make an impact!

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